PHL Discovery

🌏 How to access Library Resources when Offsite

In a nutshell

💉 Onsite but cannot access a resource?

Onsite (i.e. using a Peninsula Health computer), you generally get immediate access to all resources (as recognised as PH, via IP address)

There are however a number of exceptions which may include:

  • Using Citrix
  • Using a Peninsula Health laptop
  • Accessing the SharePoint intranet remotely

For these you may need to use an offsite access method depending on the resource as below

Another issue can be a technical problem with the resource involved. Please let the Library know about any access problems so we can investigate further.

📚 Offsite Access to Library Resources 


The majority of online library resources are accessed offline via an Athens login, so it is well worth registering. 

1. Create Athens account (tip: If you register offsite, you must use your work email)

More Tips

1. You must activate your account by clicking on the link sent in the email. If you don't get the email check your junk folder or contact the Library

2. Your account is valid for 1 year. Watch for an email one month before this to renew. If you have missed this, you can use this link: renew your Athens account 

3. If you used your personal email to register, then you need to renew onsite

4. Forgot your password? You can use this link to reset it or contact the Library

5. Forgot your username? You can use your email instead

6. Error message "This account has been deactivated" This usually means your account was not activated within 30 days of registering. Contact the Library and we will send you a new activation email

7. Error message "Your account has expired" This is most likely that you missed the renewal email as per point 2. Note that you must continue to be affiliated with Peninsula Health to be eligible for renewal

8. Error message "Your session has expired" This usually requires clearing cookies and the cache from your browser. Contact the Library if unsure how to do this

9. Mostly you will access online resources via Ovid Discovery. However you can also login to MyAthens account to access resources remotely

2. Visit Discovery offsite (you will only need to login once per session with your Athens account)

3. Note - Athens login will also allow you to access library content remotely if you are accessing resources via the Library intranet pages (e.g. Drug resources, databases etc)

4. A CHC account will also sometimes be required for offsite access to Library resources so create an account for it at the same time

5. You can use the email address you registered with as your username. Forgotten your password? Use this link to reset

📅 Offsite Access to UpToDate


1. Go to UpToDate (this must be done on a Peninsula Health computer)

2. Complete the Registration form (orange Register button at top right)

3. You will now be able to login when visiting the UpToDate site when offsite

4. You can also install the UpToDate app (Android / iOS) on your phone and log in. For more information visit the Clinical Apps page

5. Every 3 months, an email will prompt you to log into UpToDate (on a Peninsula Health computer) to maintain access



🩺 Offsite Access to Clinicians Health Channel (CHC)


  • CHC is the Victorian statewide portal for online health resources (drug resources, databases)
  • All of the resources on CHC can be accessed via Peninsula Health Library Discovery
  • Nonetheless it is still worthwhile creating a CHC account as a few resources require Athens and / or CHC login

1. Register for a CHC Account 

2. The CHC site has a Contact a Librarian page which provides a link to Discovery

🖥 Offsite access to PH Intranet & Systems


1. Intranet. When offsite, go to 

2. Sign in with work email and password

3. At a certain point, you will be prompted in install the Microsoft Authenticator app on your phone; follow the instructions provided

4. Once set up, you will be able to Peninsula Health intranet sites remotely

5. These include the intranet Library and Drug Resources page (note - to access drug resources themselves offsite, you will need to login with your Athens account. Alternatively you can use the Discovery Drug Resources page)

6. Systems. It is also possible to access all your PH applications (e.g. the EHR) offsite via Citrix. See this PH IT intranet page for more details. All staff get automatic access to this without needing to apply.


📧 Offsite access to Work Email

1. When offsite, go to and follow the same steps as for intranet access​​​​​​​

2. Note that this is the web version of Outlook rather than the app/program

3. Also of possible interest - access Teams on your mobile (SharePoint page)

🔎 Discovery for journal alerts, topic alerts, quick access to favourites, and easier article requests

🦘 Jump to: Journal Alerts | Topic Alerts | Favourites | Easier Article Requests

1. Create Account

Go to Discovery and use the Sign up link (top right) to create an account​​​​​​​. While logged in you can now do a number of things as below.

Note - a Discovery account allows the features described in this section; for offsite access you still need to login to your Athens account

2. Journal Alerts  

These can be very useful for keeping up to date in your area.  Two ways to create a journal alert:

1. Article Search

Whilst logged in to Discovery, use the Articles tab of the search box and find an article from the journal in question. This can be done in several ways: use article title, use article DOI number, use the journal name itself, or use the journal ISSN number. Once you have found an article from the journal of interest, click on Activate Journal Alert (as available). 
Note - this approach captures a much broader range of journals than the Journals search approach below.

2. Journals Search

Whilst logged in to Discovery, use the Journals tab in the search box to find journals of interest. Click on Activate Journal Alert (where available). This approach is more straightforward but covers less journals. 👉 If you have tried this and haven't found the journal of interest, try the Article Search approach.


  • How do I unsubscribe to journal alerts?
    • Discovery > Account name (top right) > Account > Journal Alerts > delete via red cross next to journal

  • Why is full text apparently available (green button) but then I cannot access the full text?
    • This can be due to a lag between full text access and the journal alert.
    • Try again in a few weeks, and if the situation persists, please contact the Library

  • What if the journal I'm interested in isn't available
    • First check that it isn't available by using the Article search approach described above which captures many more journals
    • If still not available, contact the Library and we will see if it can be added

  • Can I use a non-work email?
    • Yes. If you use your personal email to register with Discovery then journal alerts will go to that email address
    • If accessing the journal alert emails offsite then you will need to login with Athens to access full text


3. Topic Alerts    back

Use the Articles tab in the search box (default) to do a search of interest. Under the search bar, click on My Searches. On the subsequent page, set the Alert frequency (right hand side) to daily, weekly or monthly. You will now receive a regular email with any new articles that match your search and they will either be immediate full text (green button) or easily requested (purple button). Below is a simple template that you can adapt to your own needs by replacing the words with your own: 

     title:(exercise AND depress* AND review)

Additional Discovery search tips are available here. Search alerts can be deleted using My Searches as above. 

Note - it is also possible to create more advanced search alerts in individual databases such as Medline. If this is of interest, please contact the Library for assistance

4. ⭐ Favourites   back

You can "favourite" many resources in Discovery by clicking on the star icon when logged in for later easy access 

Favourite journals and ebooks can be viewed by:

   a) Scrolling down to the bottom of the home page
   b) Clicking on your account name (top right) > Account > Favorites

Favourite ebook chapters & articles can be viewed by clicking on your account name (top right) > My Bookmarks 

Favourite searches can be viewed by:

a) Scrolling down to the bottom of the home page 
b) Clicking on your account name (top right) > Account > My Searches > Favourites

5. Article Requests   back

If you request an article whilst logged into Discovery, then your name and email address are automatically added to the form. All that remains is to accept the Copyright Declaration and submit the request. 
